Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Te Hora Marae Visit

Our whole school stayed over night at a quaint wee marae over the Whangamoa Hills at Canvastown called Te Hora Marae. We did plenty of interesting and exciting things such as a powhiri, some weaving, kowhaiwhai and tukutuku activities, sung many waiata, enjoyed the beautiful urupa - graveyard - at Te Hora, presented our mihi in the wharenui, slept altogether for the night, visited Canvastown School and ate plenty of delicious kai - ka pai! Parents stayed with us and we learned such a lot about Maori culture and language. Here are a couple of photos of some of the happenings. We are all walking through the entranceway / gate / waharoa towards the wharenui to do the powhiri and Emma is having a hongi with the rangatira of Te Hora.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this photo - this one and the one with all the children before tea time pretty much sums up how cool and special this overnighter is!


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