Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Te Hora

We had some delicious meals together. Each time before we ate we would say a prayer or karakia to give thanks for what we were eating and to those who had provided and prepared the food. As you can see from the photo we were behaving with much respect.
Our night at Te Hora was pretty different. We laid out all our sleeping bags and bedding on mattresses that when placed side by side filled the whole wharenui which is a big meeting house. The night was snuggly, warm, snuffly and snorey. We went to sleep late and woke up early. here we are getting the scene set for the night. Sophie and Mia look happy to be there and together.


  1. hi room 3 its ruby here i just wanted to say i had an awesome time .
    i was on your blog looking for my older posts from when i was in the awesome room 3 and i found them thanks for keeping them pam . well see you at school bye

  2. Hi,once again room3 it's ruby here.I just wanted to say I love looking on your blog it's got so much cool stuff on it .see you at school from ruby


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