Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hira vs Victory Soccer Game

Last Friday a soccer team came from Victory School to play against a team from Hira School. Harry and Logan were the Room 3ers in the team - the rest were kids from Room 4. While the game was on the rest of the school cheered on the sideline as spectators. In these photos Hira School are the players in blue and Victory are in red. Logan said the game was quite fun and challenging. Emmeline thinks everyone played well. Macey said that everyone was being a good sport while Cameron said it was a very peaceful game.  Cameron and Chi were the chief photographers and what a fine job they did. Most of the photos we have chosen for this blog entry were of Logan and Harry of course but one is of a truely amazing supporter with a placard - who do you think it is? The one of Logan looking lazy is actually him being subbed off. Harry looks exceedingly happy in his photo even though Hira were beaten  5 nil by Victory - this just goes to show that we play for the love of the game and that it's not all about winning!


  1. You certainly look like you are having a great time. You were lucky it was not raining.


  2. What a great team! What a great spirit! Rock on Hira!

  3. You guys that played were great. Very encouraging and great passing. We did well. Just wait until the mini world cup!!!!!


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