Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hira School Cross Country

Last week the whole school trudged over to Hunters property to participate in our annual cross country event. Room 3ers had been doing some serious training over the past few weeks and were well ready! The course was up and down hill which we found quite challenging. However - everyone competed and completed with no major dramas. Emma even managed to run with a sore leg and by doing so earned herself a piggyback ride back to school courtesy of Pammie! . Here are some photos of some of us. Wren and Emma are running down towards the finish line as are Logan and Harry. The other photos are of the boys and girls lined up waiting for the starting whistle. You go Room 3!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pammie
    Just to show I finally logged the way, your photo commentary is slightly erroneous, but I'm sure it matters not !


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