Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reading Rocks With Adrian Kirk

Adrian Kirk is from Christchurch and performed for us on Thursday. He was giving us a message about how great reading is and books are and showed us some of his favourite books. He is a very clever juggler and showed us the book that he learned most of his juggling skills from. He kept saying that we can find out almost anything we want if we just find and look in the right book and to do this we need to be able to read! Adrian did a trick with Tessa from Room 1 and attacked Jarred - Cam's young brother - when he was pretending to be a Star Wars character. Adrian juggled with Hani - well he tried to and Hani tried to catch his flying balls - she missed them all though. We laughed and laughed at his jokes and his tricks. Finally he put Max on his shoulders while he rode his unicycle / looneycycle! Tonnie was asked to catch Max after he'd done a somersault in mid air. None of this happened and they all - Tonnie, Max and Adrian ended up in a pile together on the floor!


  1. Today - on our road trip from visiting friends in the Moutere Emma and her two sisters were singing "2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate, not the king, not the queen but the Hira School Soccer Team" over and over again. It's the kinda tune that you can't get out of your head.... Gotta love the support! LOVE THE PHOTOS.

  2. Now that I've read your comment I've got that pesky wee tune going round and round in my head too! Quite appealing though I must admit!


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