Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nelson Arts Festival Red Square

Every year at Arts Festival time, a huge stage is erected at the top of Trafalgar Street. This is called The Red Square and is used by hundreds of primary and secondary school students to perform. Our Hira School group comprised of some Room 3 and 4 ukulele players and singers. We performed 8 pieces including our Hira School Song. People were singing and clapping along to us and we had a very appreciative audience who were enjoying listening to us as they ate their lunch. Since then we have had lovely comments given to us about how great we looked and sounded and even an email sent from a man in Collingwood who said his wife was over in Nelson for a hospital appointment and by listening to us she was cheered up! The 'Red Square' group are so proud of themselves they are going to stay together as a music group and learn more pieces with Pammie for performing in the future. Congratulations you all - you certainly did us proud!!

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