Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Peace Week

Last week was National Peace Week. Along with commissioning our large group of 16 Cool Schools Peer Mediators for 2012, we here in Room 3 did some activities about living more peacefully together. We made and decorated peace signs which are hanging on our classroom windows and some of us dressed up in our Peace Sign clothes.


Maskmaking with Judy Keylock

Local artist from Teal Valley - Judy Leylock - has been working with our whole school to create masks for this years Mask Parade. She is a very clever person. She taught us how to make fine intricate eye masks by weaving silk and linen fibres together while inserting leaves, twigs,flowers and paper. They are busy drying. We also used native leaves to dye strips of silk with to use for small banners to fly in our parade.

Penpals in Fiji

Paris spent two months in Fiji with her family a wee while ago. She has come back to Hira with lots of interesting stories to tell and we have been talking about similarities and differences between our different cultures. Paris also came home with letters written by all of her Fijian classmates for us to read and reply to. We have spent time writing our own profiles in order to send on to our new friends from Fiji. We are going to have penpals to be friends with. With our letters we sent photos of ourselves so they can see what we look like and read about the things we are interested in. Here are some of the photos we sent.